- Gear Guided Power Burner: This helps in facilitating faster cooking and minimizes gas consumption.
- Swirl flame technology: Unique design of the power burned produces flame in swirls which helps in improving the efficiency & reduce gas consumption.
- 72+% Thermal Efficiency: Enables you to cook faster and save gas. Thermally Toughened Glass: 8mm thick thermally toughened glass top makes it highly durable, long-lasting, and heat resistant.
- Thick 8mm thermally toughened glass top makes it highly durable, long lasting and heat resistant
- Removable drip tray for easy cleaning that collects all the spillage on the stove to ensure mess-free cooking
- Uniquely designed ant guard jet to prevent entry of ants to ensure smooth functioning for years and minimize low flame issues
- Extendable legs: Enables easy cleaning below the gas stove. Ergonomically designed sturdy Switch knob: Enables ease of operation
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